Sunday, January 4, 2009

Valkyrie (#2)

Valkyrie- I was kinda meh on this one right after I saw it, but like it even less now that I’m sitting down to write this. I think it was problematic on a number of levels. I think the deck is staked against a movie like this to begin with. How do build suspense successfully in a movie about the plot to kill Hitler, when you kinda already know how that works out? Despite the intricacies of a plan, that was an assassination and a coup of the Nazi government, not a lot happens. There is a lot of talking, and walking, and then more talking, culminating in some shouting and then running.  Tom Cruise was kind of personality-less, and didn’t really carry the movie well. A range of great charcter actors like Bill Nighy, Terrence Stamp, and Eddie Izzard aren’t given much to do.  Very forgettable.

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