Monday, April 20, 2009

Blindness (#27)

I’m really surprised that this one didn’t get any Oscar buzz this past year, either for its exceptional and creative direction,  adapted script, or several outstanding performances. Julianne Moore is easily the most overlooked actress of last year. Fernado Merielles, directs the adaptation of the acclaimed Jose Saramago , and does so with subtly, with a beautiful use of texture. The premise immediately creates a barrier for a film adaptaion. How do you film the story of a epidemic of blindness, when for the vast majority of the movie only one character can see? Smartly, Merielles uses a great deal of restraint, and suggests much more then he shows. The story, and plight of the characters is devastating, and many times very difficult to watch. The film raises questions about the fragility of the social contract, and very structure of our daily lives, but does so with out lecturing. See this, but see it with some one who will want to discuss it with you afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. I want to see this movie now that I have read your review. Thank you for you insight.



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